& Subsidiaries
Company Formation in Poland
If you considered doing business in Poland, either by registering a Polish daughter company or starting a brand new entity, then we can assist you along the way or do everything for you, so you can focus on the core of your business.

Company Registration
with guaranteed clear history and operations ready
in less than
7 days!
If you are
an established enterprise outside of Poland, that wants to set up a daughter company in the country
an individual willing to start a new business in Poland
a startup willing to choose Poland for its HQ and seek funding here
Then we can
help you prepare a business plan, research the market and analyse the costs of running your type of business in Poland before you start to invest the money
register a legal entity in Poland on your behalf; usually, it would be a public limited liability company or similar
do all the dull registration work, open up a bank account, take care of bookkeeping, and rent an office or other real estates for you
hire your first employees
help you manage the business until you train or hire your own management
assist you on a regular basis with anything related to your business. Choose freely from our other services such as business development, sourcing and general consulting
You gain
knowledge - know what to do from the beginning.
short start-up time; we can set up a completely new business entity within days and spare you the bureauocracy
all the perks and benefits from acting as a local entrepreneur; no surprises when dealing with Polish administration
local business know-how and a network of vendors and potential customers
A free consulting service up to 15 minutes where you can ask any questions related to doing or establishing business in Poland. One of our consultants will try to help you to the best of their abilities. No strings attached.
Sample questions you might want to ask:
What is the best business to start in Poland?
Will my company benefit from establishing its presence in Poland? How?
What is the best location for establishing a company in my industry
Is there a chance that my product will sell in Poland?
What are the usual costs of running my kind of business in Poland
Will I be able to recruit a skilled workforce for my company?
What should I prepare before starting a company in Poland?
What should I know about doing business in Poland?
How much will I need to attend to the company in Poland in person?
Will my business name click in Poland? (Beware, as some foreign names might mean something else in Polish)
Company incorporation process, business forms, share capital needed, bank accounts, VAT number, income tax and all the legal stuff.
Startup acceleration possibilities, investors, grants, networking between companies, cultural specifics of the country.
This free consulting is led by:
Quick bio:
+10 years experience in management, sales & marketing in Poland & Denmark, including CEO/country manager and management board positions for Danish companies in Poland and business development positions for Danish companies in Denmark.
MA in Scandinavian Studies, post-grad in Management and Organisation, speaks fluent Danish & English + native Polish and communicates in Norwegian & Swedish.
Professional Interests: Entrepreneurship, start-ups, business development, sales & marketing, content & account-based marketing, design thinking, project management: TOC, Lean, AgilePM, Prince2, R&D, manufacturing, digital transformation.
Personal Interests: Scandinavia, politics, photography, history, philosophy, sports/triathlon
The free consultation can be done in following languages: