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Agnieszka Radniecka


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Quick bio:

Attorney-at-law, 2006 Graduate of Adam Mickiewicz University in Poznań. Member of the District Chamber of Attorneys-at-Law in Poznań. Partner at the Radniecka Sawicka Law Firm.At Hugin Consulting, she is primarily responsible for day-to-day legal services for companies, intellectual property laws, due diligence and company acquisitions.


  • She has participated in a number of projects involving, in particular, the acquisition and disposal of businesses, their components, including real estate, as well as shares and stocks in capital companies, and has conducted comprehensive legal audits of business entities (due diligence).

  • She specialises in widely understood intellectual property law, i.e. industrial property law (trademarks, patents, utility models, industrial designs, geographical indications), copyright and neighbouring rights, and new technology law.

  • She advises on acts of unfair competition and competition and consumer protection law, examines the correctness of company acquisitions / mergers, represents Clients in antimonopoly proceedings, advises on the application of the Act on Combating Unfair Competition.

  • She represents Clients in cases involving press law, advertising law (media law).


Professional Interests: Intellectual Property Law, Advertising Law


Personal Interests: Travels, interior design, Nordic Walking, macrame and the art of welcoming visitors


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